Alternate Trigger

Tron Bonne

October 2008
Short of accurately modeling Downtown Kattelox in its entirety, this is the one model that sticks in my mind as the most troublesome. It was June 2004 that I took Roll's model and tinkered with it for a few minutes, ending up with something nasty that appeared on Alternate Trigger's 9th page. Subsequent attempts to work on that model seriously never panned out. When Tron "appears" in Part 03 she does so in the dark, where I could get away with the wretched state of her model at that time.

Tron Bonne

The long gap between Part 03 and 04 allowed me to eventually return with a fresh perspective and a little more knowledge in Corel Dream 3D than I had prior. I finally conquered the tricky hairdo and torso, and even reworked the face. I was so pleased with the result after all my struggling that I had to return to the Megaman and Roll models to give them better faces as well.